Playing the stream from Mobile

To play the live streaming on mobile, we have different options

1) Install Photon Browser for  Android and IOS devices;

By installing the application Photon Browser for Android and IOS you will be able to load and play the live streaming from the channel page like :

The Photon browser app is free for Android, and costs a very small fee for IOS;

2) Play the streaming from the mobile web bwrowser;

If the Flushnet Live account who broadcast is an Advanced account with the “Mobile Streaming” feauture enabled, you will be able to play the live streaming directly from your mobile browser from the channel page like :

This feature is available only for IOS and Android 4 devices.

Please use our support contact form to request an “Advanced” publisher account with mobile streaming feature;

3) Use a custom mobile app;

You can request us to deploy our custom app to play the live streaming for Android and IOS devices by contacting the support contact form;